Friday, October 14, 2011

Joes Comments

Hi Everybody, Today is 10/14/2011. My first simple thoughts are"if you think you can, you probably can. If you think you can"t,you probably can"t. That being said lets start. My name is Joe if you haven"t figured that out for yourself. I am a 59 normal,simple,soft spoken kind of a guy. I would like to write something profound here but find myself at a loss for words? Guess that comes from being a simple kind of a guy. I have had a  few excursions so far boondocking but nothing major to report. I have spent the odd night in the Wal Mart parking lot and except for the teen parking it was fairly quiet. Felt bad that all the teens had to do was cruise the Wal Mart parking lot. I own a 92 Ford Econoline van with no distinctive markings on it. I have a see America the Beautiful card which comes in handy and I am retired from the Army which comes in handy for finding cheaper camping when it is desired. Also when its shower time or laundry time as these are usally available at most Bases or Camp grounds. Military also has a lot of camp grounds. So I could spend $10 at a truckstop for a shower or spend $10 for most camping spots I have found at Military camp grounds which always have a shower house or a Gym. Anyway I just want to kind of experiment here and see if this is what I want to do? The writeing that is? Don"t know if putting my thoughts out for the world to see is really me or a misconception of me trapped in the recess"s of my mind?. Anyway thats to deep for me to be thinking about right now. So for now I bid everyone fond farewell .